Every week, we post an update for all of our KW Technology Ambassadors and Technology Coordinators. Follow us to stay on top of new products and features, and links to training events.
Happy Friday, KW Technology Community members! Here's a look at just a few items that will be discussed on today's KW Technology Community webinar. TIPS FOR TEACHING THE KW WEBSITES WORKSHOP
Are agents in your Market Center ready to launch their new KW Websites? Save yourself the time and effort of planning a training class and take advantage of the KW Websites: Getting Started Workshop materials, available on KWUCoonect. This workshop is a "class-in-a-box" you can use to help a group of agents set up, customize, and launch their websites in 3 hours. Click the "Course Materials" link on the workshop page and you'll find a list of files to download for both the instructor and students. For the best workshop experience, join us ontoday's webinar when we'll talk with Robert Greenstreet, KW Tech Ambassador with the KW Realty Gulf Coast Market Center. Robert has taught the workshop at least five times in his Market Center and will share his experience with us today, including lessons learned and his own tips and tricks for success. UPCOMING TECHNOLOGY WEBINARS IN JUNE
Here's a list of KW Technology webinars scheduled for this month. All webinars run from 2-2:30 PM (Central Time), unless otherwise noted.
Happy Friday, KW Technology Community members! Here's a look at just a few items that will be discussed on today's KW Technology Community webinar. KW WEBSITES: GENERATE MORE LEADS BY BLOGGING
The Millionaire Real Estate Agent teaches us the importance of being seen as the local expert. This means when someone needs or requires information on “your” community, they come to you as the source. To establish yourself as the local expert in your area, and improve SEO for your KW website, making a habit of blogging regularly can really pay off! In fact, businesses that blog regularly generate 67 percent more leads than those who don’t. To get you started, your KW Website comes with four pre-written blog posts. You can edit these in any way you see fit to reflect your experience, your local area, or add your own tips. Your next step is to create your own blog post, and we'll walk through the steps of doing just that on today's webinar. PREVENT PHISHING WITH GOOGLE TWO-STEP VERIFICATION
It's easier than you think for someone to steal your password. Any of these common actions could put you at risk of having your password stolen:
Clicking on links in email messages
Using the same password on more than one site
Downloading software from the Internet
2 Step Verification (2SV) is the next evolution of email security, and it's available for you with KW Google Apps for Work so that you can protect your Gmail account. Passwords were a great first step, but can’t help you if you are a victim of a phishing attack. Some phishing attacks are so clever you may never suspect them. But, with a second step of security to verify any new devices logging into your account, or when your password changes, you can significantly reduce your risk of being scammed by a phishing attack. The 1 Step verification (sometimes called “single authentication”) is how passwords began. You enter in your password and you're done. The password is your one step to verify you are the account owner. As phishing scams became more clever and widespread, security experts started to use a second step to verify that only you are accessing your account. The second step is to require a special code, which is instantly sent to your smartphone or an different email account. The special code + your original password are the two steps needed to verify you are the account owner. Learn how to enable Google 2 Step Verification for your @kw.com account. UPCOMING TECHNOLOGY WEBINARS IN JUNE
Here's a list of KW Technology webinars scheduled for this month. All webinars run from 2-2:30 PM (Central Time), unless otherwise noted.
Happy Friday, KW Technology Community members! Here's a look at just a few items that will be discussed on today's KW Technology Community webinar. MEGA CAMP SESSION FOR KW TECHNOLOGY COMMUNITY MEMBERS
Mega Camp is August 9-12, 2016 in Austin, TX! The special session for Technology Ambassadors and MC Tech Coordinators is scheduled for the morning of Thursday, August 11. Executive-level technology leaders will share their vision for a KW Technology platform powered by 140,000+ agents. If you are already attending Mega Camp, there is no extra charge to attend this session. In preparation for this event, we'd like to know: What technology-related question do you most hope to have answered at Mega Camp this year? Please use this form to let us know! KW WEBSITES: WRITE YOUR FIRST BLOG POST
To establish yourself as the local expert in your area, and improve SEO for your KW website (powered by Placester), making a habit of blogging regularly can really pay off! In fact, businesses that blog regularly generate 67 percent more leads than those who don’t. Watch this quick video to learn how to get started right away! THE POWER OF YOUR @KW.COM EMAIL
An @KW.com email address is necessary to take full advantage of single-sign on (SSO) as well to have a KW Website and access to all the KW Google Apps for Work tools and services. Your KW email address is also a huge advantage when it comes to marketing you and/or your brand. Having a 2-letter domain name shows how early Keller Williams Realty understood the need for a real estate professional to have a presence in the electronic world.
Happy Friday, KW Technology Community members! Here's a look at just a few items that will be discussed on today's KW Technology Community webinar. START A VIDEO REVOLUTION AT YOUR MARKET CENTER
kwVideo App
Keller Williams CEO Chris Heller says, "Video is becoming more and more important. I think that’s going to continue as we move into the future, which is why we make video a strategic priority." What could on-demand, professional quality video do for your Market Center? The kwVideo app gives real estate agents the ability to create customized listing videos, consumer facing videos as well as recruiting and other leadership videos in minutes using their smart device. Our exciting special offer for KW Technology Ambassadors and MC Techs lets you try kwVideo free, extended until July 31st. What you get:
Free kwVideo membership until July 31, 2016
Additional 6 months free if you sign up 5 or more members before July 31, 2016
10% commission on every sale after the first 5 referrals that you sign up
New members that you sign up will get $50 off their membership
Agents in the sixth group of MLS' as listed on the KW Website Rollout Schedule have received their websites! This means we've made KW Websites available to more than 100,000 KW agents to date. If agents find that they don't have a button to access their website on the KW Websites page, and their MLS has gone live, it could be for one of two reasons:
Their MLS ID is missing from their White Pages profile.
They haven't set up their @kw.com email account yet.
To get their site, agents need to get those things taken care of and then they will be included in the next group's release.
For resources to help agents get their KW Websites up and running, visit the KW Website Resource page on KWUConnect. CLEAR UP SPACE IN YOUR GMAIL STORAGE
With your @kw.com email account, you get a Google Apps for Work account which combines Drive, Gmail, and Google Photos storage into a single 30GB offering. While most associates will never reach that limit, it's possible because space is shared across three applications. If you're nearing your limit, the first thing you should do is check which of the services is using most of the storage space. To do this, go to Google Drive and look near the bottom of the left navigation pane. This will tell you how much of your total 30 GB is being used by each application. In today’s webinar, Beau Hafner from our KWRI Support Team will show you some ways to clear up space in Gmail. UPCOMING TECHNOLOGY WEBINARS IN JUNE Here's a list of KW Technology webinars scheduled for this month. All webinars run from 2-2:30 PM (Central Time), unless otherwise noted.